MEDA 2024 Annual Conference – Request for Speakers

The 2024 MEDA Annual Conference will be held April 21-23, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland.

Call for Proposals: MEDA is seeking proposals/speakers for sessions at the 2024 MEDA Annual Conference. The sessions must be relevant to the conference theme while also being of interest to a wide audience from across Maryland. We are seeking success stories, speakers, panel discussions, and more.

THEME: Leveraging Maryland’s Competitive Advantages

At the MEDA 2023 Annual Conference, Governor Moore discussed how Maryland was asset-rich and strategy-poor. MEDA is looking to explore this topic, diving deeper into the assets and strategies that bring Maryland together while exploring the ways we can enhance the State’s competitiveness.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Economic Diversification Strategies (diversification of Maryland’s economy to include emergent sectors)
  • Innovation Ecosystems (leveraging educated workforce and technology)
  • Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture, Social Equity and Inclusion Strategies, or Smart Cities
  • Transportation Assets
  • Site readiness / investing in our future
  • Sports Amenities
  • Federal Labs / Technology Transfer
  • Cultural / Tourism Rich Assets: Deep Creek Lake to Ocean City
  • Tactics that seek to attract and retain the talent and business sectors Maryland needs to thrive in the future

Conference Committee: 


Submission Process:

Please complete the online form (below) no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 20, 2023.

Late proposals will not be considered. MEDA does not allow sales-oriented panels (promotion of products, services, or consultation) as part of the Annual Conference. If a commercial representative is included on a panel, they are asked to speak broadly about industry best practices with only minimal focus on their particular commercial entity and only as it relates to the topic or project being discussed. MEDA may invite legislators to moderate the panels, particularly when the subject matter extends into State policy or potential legislation.

MEDA’s educational sessions are typically 1 hour to 1.5 hours in length, focusing on issues of interest to economic development professionals. It is strongly encouraged that a proposed session meets the conference theme. To ensure that MEDA presents a balanced conference with varying viewpoints, MEDA’s Annual Conference typically includes four to five panels and two to three keynote speakers.

MEDA’s Program Development Committee may add or substitute speakers to achieve its desired level of viewpoint diversity – MEDA will make final decisions on speakers and invite speakers directly.

Contact Information:

Any questions regarding this process may be directed to Sandy Dubay or Pam Ruff