

Mentor/mentee assignments are mutually agreed upon, based on specific needs (proximity to your business or home location, day of the week, etc.).

As a mentor, you may be approached by someone interested in being mentored by you. It could be someone you already know, work with, etc. Once you agree to enter into an official mentor/mentee relationship with them, you must provide their name to the MEDA Mentorship Program to be placed in the program.

Mentorship Program participants must be MEDA members. Not a member yet? Sign up here!

Mentor Expectation:

  • Within the first month, you’ll…
    • Personally, via phone or in-person, connect with your Mentee
    • Ask the mentee to share their professional goals and objectives
    • Ask if they will share their resume, so you can help better assess their professional needs
    • Identify the means of achieving professional development (workshops, training courses, etc.)
    • Provide your Mentee with links to MEDA and IEDC training courses
    • Set a goal to have the Mentee provide you with a timeline to achieve milestones
  • Every quarter, you’ll…
    • Review the timeline with your mentee, provide recommendations as needed
    • Mutually agree upon continued connection
    • Encourage your mentee
    • Connect with your mentee at MEDA events
    • Introduce your mentee to other professionals
  • Bi-Annual reviews:
    • Evaluate how the mentee is doing and provide an update to the Professional Development Committee
  • Annually you’ll want to…
    • Assess the accomplishments of the mentee
    • Provide positive reinforcement to support their goals
    • Mutually agree to adjust the timeline, as needed, to meet their goals

*These expectations are a guideline, understanding that each professional is different, has a unique set of circumstances, and learns at a different pace. You’ll need to learn how to best support your mentee—what works, what doesn’t, and let the Professional Development Committee help you if/when the need arises.


If you’re a CEcD — Review the IEDC Mentorship Guidelines (to receive recertification points)

Eligibility and Criteria for Mentors (CEcDs)

This activity can only be undertaken once in a CEcDs three-year recertification cycle. Interested CEcDs are required to meet all of the following criteria to be accepted as mentors. The CEcD must:

  • Agree to be exempt from serving as an exam grader for the duration of the mentor and mentee relationship, or until the mentee has earned the designation.
  • Agree to be exempt from serving as a panelist for the mentee during the oral interview process.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the exam questions and content as required by the mentor’s confidentiality agreement.
  • Be an active CEcD or CEcD Emeritus and certified for a minimum of two (2) years.

Be a current IEDC member.

Provide written evaluation and feedback on the candidate and the mentorship program to IEDC (evaluation form will be provided).

Be able to commit a minimum of two (2) months and a maximum of 1 year of coaching to the assigned candidate.

Be available for follow-up for up to six (6) months, if the candidate fails the exam should he/she desire to continue the relationship.

Criteria for CEcD Candidate

Interested CEcD candidates are required to meet all of the following criteria to be provided with the services of a CEcD mentor. The CEcD candidate must:

  • Be a current IEDC member
  • Be approved to sit for the CEcD exam
  • Agree to a minimum of two (2) months mentor-candidate interaction
  • Provide an evaluation of the CEcD mentor and the IEDC mentorship program
  • Provide mentor with information on goals, needs, and level of participation desired

The following guidelines will be used to ensure the effectiveness of the mentorship program and to assign CEcD candidates with CEcD mentors:

  1. Informal Mentorship: The CEcD mentor and CEcD candidate are to negotiate between themselves the terms of their interaction and relationship and the interaction can be either electronically and/or by phone or in-person.
  2. Oneon-one: A CEcD mentor will be assigned to an individual CEcD candidate. The CEcD candidate’s needs and thoughts should be addressed in a free-flowing manner, and the two are to set their own schedule and agenda.
  3. Assigning Mentors to Candidates: IEDC staff will reach out to active CEcDs in the CEcD candidates’ home region (state and neighboring states) via email. IEDC will then offer up to five (5) volunteer CEcD mentors, with profile and a brief bio, to the candidate to select a CEcD. Staff will then provide contact information of the CEcD mentor to the candidate to make the first contact.
  4. Evaluating the Program: Critiquing the program is extremely valuable for its continued growth and development. Survey forms for both mentors and candidates will be developed to gather adequate information on the experience of the mentors and candidates. We will also solicit suggestions about how the program can be improved, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Mentoring Challenges: If either the CEcD mentor or candidate is not happy with the assignment due to any reason, IEDC will cancel the assignment and reassign the candidate to a new CEcD mentor. The CEcD will not receive credit for the dissolved assignment. 

Guidelines for CEcD Mentors and CEcD Candidates

Mentors should:

  • Meet with the CEcD candidate and identify his or her specific needs; provide assurance that you can fulfill those expectations.
  • Define the expected time commitment between mentor and candidate; consider establishing a scheduled time for meetings. (Identify an end date for the relationship?)
  • Identify an appropriate method of communication with the candidate.
  • Be patient and positive in the relationship. No question is “dumb.” Suggest, don’t dictate.
  • Always maintain the security of the exam.
  • Be available when needed and as appropriate.
  • Share successes and failures, coach, advice, discuss real-life stories.

Candidates should:

  • Be respectful of the mentor’s commitment to you in terms of time and resources.
  • Make sure the mentor’s skills and experience match your needs and expectations.
  • Communicate openly with the mentor.
  • Respect the mentor’s need to maintain the security of the exam.
  • Be specific in your needs and desires.
  • Make reasonable requests of the mentor.
  • Be receptive to feedback and advice.

Apply to be a mentor

Note: Mentor applications will be reviewed by the Professional Committee Co-Chairs. You’ll be notified of acceptance once a good mentee match has been made. 

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