Maryland National Capital Region Economic Development Alliance
The Maryland Capital Region Economic Development Alliance (MNCREDA) was formed to grow a stronger Maryland National Capital Region economy. While each of the six member counties has unique strengths and resources, exploring economic development on a regional level provides added benefits to the greater Washington DC region and the State of Maryland, from job creation to expanding the tax base.
Alliance Members
The county economic development entities that make up MNCREDA represent Anne Arundel, Charles, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties. Together, these six counties are home to 55% of Maryland’s population with 3.3 million residents. They also account for 1.4 million jobs and more than half of the State’s economy.
Leaders of the six participating county economic development organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding in April 2020 and have met regularly throughout the pandemic.
Partner Organizations
Prince George’s County Economic Development CorporationDavid Iannucci |
Howard County Economic Development AuthorityLarry Twele, CEcD |
Anne Arundel County Economic Development CorporationBen Birge |

Current and Future Collaborations
During the pandemic, MNCREDA shared best practices for business recovery programs; it also undertook a regional survey and analysis on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses.
Other opportunities for joint regional collaboration include:
- Explore regional joint marketing, branding, and promotional programming;
- Establish shared economic development rules of ethical marketing and branding;
- Formalize protocols for communication to address business prospects and relocation;
- Evaluate multi-county or state-level policy changes to address competitiveness issues for the Capital Region and/or encourage regional growth in specific industry sectors;
- Consider collective efforts in support or pursuit of targeted industry sectors;
- Connect other regional economic development partners when a broader economic development strategy will directly benefit the entire National Capital Region;
- Engage federal and state partners towards regional initiatives and solutions; and
- Coordinate joint efforts to support a regional economic recovery from emergencies and crises, such as COVID-19.
Md. capital region economic development agencies join forces