Governor Larry Hogan Announces Funding for Lower Eastern Shore Initiatives

Downtown Salisbury Revitalization, School Construction, Priority Transportation Projects Among Recipients of State Funding

ANNAPOLIS, MD – During a day-long visit to the Eastern Shore, Governor Larry Hogan announced state funding for Lower Eastern Shore initiatives at a press conference at the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce in Wicomico County. The governor was joined by Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver, Salisbury Mayor Jacob Day, and state and county officials for the funding announcement, which includes $1 million for Salisbury’s Downtown Revitalization Plan, as well as nearly $29 million for projects across Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester Counties.

“I am pleased to announce that our administration is investing $1 million for the Downtown Revitalization Plan to continue bringing much-needed improvements to one of our most beloved Eastern Shore communities,” said Governor Hogan. “This project is a terrific example of how state and local governments can work together with the private sector to make smart investments that spur redevelopment, economic growth, and job creation.”

The Hogan administration’s support for the Downtown Revitalization Plan, a 20-year master plan developed by the City of Salisbury in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Agriculture, will help the city create a vibrant mixed-use urban center in the downtown and riverfront areas. In less than three years, 31 new businesses have opened in the Downtown Salisbury area. The $1 million investment from the state bring much-needed improvements to the area and spur redevelopment, economic growth, and job creation. The project is expected to create hundreds of jobs and new downtown housing units, including housing for Salisbury University graduate students.

“This is great news for Salisbury and all Wicomico County residents,” said County Executive Culver. “We look forward to continuing to partner with Governor Hogan and his administration on important projects that improve the quality of life for our citizens.”

“This funding brings us one step closer to giving the citizens of Salisbury the city they want and deserve,” said Mayor Day. “These investments will help bring much-needed economic growth and jobs to downtown Salisbury, and I am excited the state has recognized our commitment to this project.”

The governor also announced an additional $29 million in his FY 2018 Capital Budget for projects across the Lower Eastern Shore. This includes nearly $13 million for projects in Wicomico County, nearly $12 million for projects in Somerset County, and more than $3 million for projects in Worcester County. These investments include construction at West Salisbury Elementary School and Parkside High School, improvements for the Smith Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, and renovations at Wellington Wildlife Management Area, as well as funding for Ocean City Beach Replenishment and Hurricane Protection, and investments in the Atlantic General Hospital Regional Cancer Care Center. The governor also affirmed the administration’s commitment to fund the final phase of Arthur Perdue Stadium, home of the Delmarva Shorebirds.

Finally, Governor Hogan announced that the state will invest nearly $368 million for Lower Eastern Shore transportation projects. This includes funding to finish the rehabilitation of the US 13 Bridges in Pocomoke City, replace the MD 349 bridge over Windsor Creek, re-deck 11 bridges along the US 50 Salisbury Bypass, and upgrades to create a 4-lane divided highway on Worcester Highway.


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