BALTIMORE, MD – (October 22, 2018) – The Hogan Administration today announced that $700,000 in additional funding is being made available to nine community and arts organizations around the state. Administered through the Maryland Department of Commerce, the supplemental grants to organizations are in addition to $18.1 million in grant funding that the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency of Maryland Commerce, has awarded to arts organizations and individuals in FY19 to date. Governor Larry Hogan recently released the additional funding, which was originally restricted by the General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session.

“The arts play an important role in Maryland, from enriching our quality of life to enriching our economy and encouraging our kids to be creative,” said Governor Hogan. “Maryland is a national leader in funding the arts, and we are proud of our vibrant and growing arts community.”

As one example, the Baltimore Arts Realty Corp. (BARCO) is receiving $200,000 from the Preservation of Cultural Arts (POCA) Fund to assist in the renovation of a vacant, 1940s-era movie theater in the Old Goucher neighborhood of Baltimore City into a state-of-the-art black box theater for live theatrical performances. POCA is a special fund that provides supplemental grants to cultural arts organizations in the state and is funded through revenue from the state admissions and amusement tax on electronic bingo and electronic tip jars.

Receiving grants out of the Rainy Day Fund:

  • $25,000           Arts Every Day, Baltimore City
  • $25,000           901 Arts, Baltimore City

Receiving grants out of the Preservation of Cultural Arts (POCA) Fund:

  • $200,000         BARCO Playhouse Theater, Baltimore City
  • $100,000         PACT – Helping Children with Special Needs, Baltimore City
  • $100,000         Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake, Baltimore City
  • $75,000           Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Baltimore City
  • $75,000           Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children, Montgomery County
  • $50,000           Maryland Theatre Association, Washington County
  • $50,000           Delmarva Community Services, Dorchester County

The arts are a powerful economic engine in Maryland, generating a $1.4 billion statewide economic impact, according to an analysis by MSAC in FY 2017. The arts account for more than 17,000 full-time jobs that generate $468 million in salaries, as well as $59.6 million in state and local tax revenues.

Since taking office, Governor Hogan has consistently proposed record-level funding to the MSAC, which provides grants, technical assistance and other support services for the arts. Today, Maryland ranks as the third highest state in funding per capita to the arts, according to the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.

About Maryland Commerce

The Maryland Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and creates jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department promotes the State’s many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism. Because they are major economic generators, the Department also supports the Arts, film production, sports and other special events. For more information, visit

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