MEDA announces 2019-2020 board of directors
MEDA announces 2019-2020 board of directors
BALTIMORE — The Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA) appointed its new board of directors for 2019-2020 during the 2019 Annual MEDA Conference. The officers were recognized April 29 at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge.
“It’s truly an honor to be selected as the president of such an impactful organization. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work alongside the members of the board and aid in transforming lives through economic development,” said Heather Gramm, MEDA president. “Leading MEDA in this position is a rewarding experience and I’m looking forward to a successful year.”

The 2019-2020 board of directors is:
- Heather Gramm, CEcD, assistant director of the Frederick County Office of Economic Development, MEDA President
- Danny Thompson, executive director of the Somerset County Economic Development Commission, MEDA Vice President
- Richard Griffin, CEcD, AICP, director of economic development of the City of Frederick, MEDA Secretary
- Steve Primosch, vice president of financial services of the Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp., MEDA Treasurer
- Kim Clark, executive vice president of the Baltimore Development Corp., MEDA Immediate Past President
- Gordon Knox, principal of Miles & Stockbridge P.C., Awards Co-Chair
- John Wasilisin, CEO and executive director of Maryland $aves, Awards Co-Chair
- Lucas Cade, senior economic development executive of Potomac Edison – A FirstEnergy Corp., Business Development Co-Chair
- Daraius Irani, Ph.D., vice president of strategic partnerships and applied research of Towson University/RESI., Business Development Co-Chair
- Kiesha Haughton, managing director of the Maryland Women’s Business Center, Membership Co-Chair
- Renée Winsky, president and CEO of Leadership Maryland, Membership Co-Chair
- Trish Heidenreich, CEcD, director of economic development of the Town of Bel Air, Professional Development Co-Chair
- Lisa Webb, CEcD, manager of the Public Private Partnership (P3) of the Maryland Department of Transportation, Professional Development Co-Chair
- Denise Beaver, CEcD, deputy director of Carroll County Department of Economic Development, Program Development Co-Chair
- Jerry Sanford, economic development manager of Washington Gas, Program Development Co-Chair
- Andrea Mansfield, government affairs professional of Manis, Canning & Associates; Public Policy Awareness Co-Chair
- Rhonda Ray, director of policy, research and government affairs of the Maryland Department of Commerce, Public Policy Awareness Co-Chair
- Bob Brennan, executive director of MEDCO, Ex Officio Officer
For more information about MEDA, or to become a corporate partner, visit or call 410-347-1246.
About MEDA
MEDA is a nonprofit organization of economic development professionals. Established in 1961, MEDA members promote the economic well-being of Maryland by working to improve the state’s business climate and the professionalism of those in the field of economic development.
MEDA’s membership includes economic development practitioners employed by government, businesses, and chamber of commerce and other professionals with interest in the economy of Maryland. Through its regular meetings, special programs and projects, MEDA members address such diverse issues as local planning, workforce, transportation, international trade, tourism and finance.
MEDA members work diligently transforming lives by creating opportunities, inspiring innovation and enriching communities in Maryland. To learn more about MEDA, visit