PUBLIC NOTICE: Help Shape Maryland’s Housing and Community Development Priorities by Responding to Public Needs Survey

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is seeking public input through a public needs survey to inform the development of the 2026-2030 Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and establishes statewide goals and priorities for housing, community development, and economic development activities. Special emphasis is given to assisting extremely low-, low-, and moderate-income individuals and families.

The goal of the public needs survey is to learn directly from Maryland residents, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and community stakeholders about housing and community development needs in their areas. This feedback will provide DHCD staff with crucial insight from the residents and professionals who know their communities and its needs the best.  

How to Participate
Please complete the Maryland Consolidated Plan Public Needs Survey by February 14, 2025.

Individuals who prefer not to complete the survey but still wish to provide input are encouraged to share their feedback by emailing Lauren Metz at

For more information, visit the Consolidated Plan webpage on the Department’s website.

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