City of Cambridge to fund human services grant program as part of its proposed FY 18 budget

As part of its proposed FY18 budget, the City of Cambridge will award $25,000 to non-profit and governmental organizations throughout the city using its Human Service Grant program. Applications will be made available online at, or at the Department of Public works, located at 1025 Washington Street, or at City Hall, located at 410 Academy Street.

An orientation meeting will be held on May 10 in the Public Safety Building Training room, at 8 Washington Street, from 2-3 p.m., to answer questions and to assist applicants in filling out the required form. Completed applications will be due May 26, and grants will be awarded in July.

The selection committee will be made up of one person from each of the five election districts in Cambridge, as well as one at-large resident nominated by the mayor. Grantees are required to be in good standing with the IRS and State of Maryland, and will need to report on the completion of their project no later than March 30, 2018. Organizations which are not non-profit are urged to partner with an organization with non-profit or charitable status.

The selection committee will have four considerations, and score programs based on the following:

  • NEED FOR SERVICES (25 points): How much is the program needed in the community, and does it address one of the City Council’s tentative council goals – housing, early childhood development, education or employment?
  • STRENGTH OF PLAN (25 points): Is the program designed to have a positive impact, and are staff qualified to deliver the program effectively? Is the program cost effective and is there a clear way to measure results?
  • ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTH (25 points): Is the program a collaborative effort between more than one organization, and is there adequate administrative capacity to provide the program? Does the organization have a track record of completing services, and are there any matching funds available?
  • DIVERSITY (25 points): Does the program reach underserved and ethnically diverse people throughout the entire city? Does the program have a track record of reaching a wide range of people?

For more information about the Human Services Grant process, please contact Larry Seeberger at city hall, (410) 228-4020.

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