Innovating with Department of Defense Labs

Maryland small businesses are constantly creating innovative solutions to pressing problems. One industry that is particularly invested in finding new technologies and solutions is the Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD is tasked with ensuring the safety and security of the United States, which requires access to cutting-edge technologies and scientific advancements.

One of the challenges facing many companies is how to connect with the DoD labs to develop and test their products or to license technology developed by the DoD – this is where the Maryland Defense Technology Commercialization (DefTech) Center comes in. Supported through a partnership between the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and the Maryland Department of Commerce, DefTech is a TEDCO program that specializes in connecting Maryland companies with DoD labs and resources to help bring their innovations to the commercial market.

DefTech is currently providing support to a diverse set of companies, including ones that are building solutions for emergency medicine and warfighters, testing a new jet engine for carbon-neutral aviation, developing a novel malaria treatment, and innovating 5G solutions. By working with these companies, DefTech is helping to bridge the gap between the DoD and private industry, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

One of the key benefits of working with DefTech is its extensive network of resources. They have relationships with a wide range of DoD labs, as well as universities and research institutions. This means that they can help companies find the best resources and facilities to test and develop their products, saving time and money in the process.

Many companies are intimidated by the prospect of working with the government or are unaware that they can work with DoD labs in this way, but DefTech has the experience and knowledge to help companies successfully engage with the federal government. Through the program, companies can utilize the knowledge and expertise of DefTech partners, allowing companies to successfully navigate the complexities of federal government agreements – the formal mechanisms that help define relationships between companies and the labs.

Plus, as a TEDCO program, DefTech also provides a wide range of other services to help companies succeed. This includes market research databases to identify potential customers and partners, access to an intellectual property navigation tool, access to funding opportunities, connections to the wider Maryland innovation ecosystem and more.

In addition to their work with companies, DefTech is also committed to supporting the DoD and advancing national security. We work closely with DoD labs to identify areas where new technologies are needed and help connect them with companies that can provide solutions.

Overall, DefTech plays a critical role, providing connections between the DoD labs and resources to Maryland businesses and innovators; this process supports and promotes innovative research and the advancement of national security. If you are a company looking to develop new technologies or solutions, working with DefTech could be the key to your success. Learn more by visiting


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