Campaign has reached nearly 170 million people since it launched in 2017

BALTIMORE, MD (April 30, 2019) – The state of Maryland’s ‘Open for Business’ marketing campaign has been recognized by the Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA) for promoting the Maryland as a great place to do business and highlighting the state’s unparalleled assets. The award, which was given in the Economic Development Marketing – Large Community category, was presented to Maryland Commerce Secretary Kelly M. Schulz last evening during the MEDA 2019 Annual Conference at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge. The MEDA awards celebrate the people, projects, and programs that are transforming lives, creating opportunities, and enriching communities throughout Maryland.

“Since we’ve been up-and-running the past year and a half, we’ve reached about 170 million people with our advertising campaign, highlighting all of the major industries. But more importantly, we’re starting to see people understand and believe that Maryland is a dynamic place to do business,” said Secretary Schulz. “Some of the largest businesses in the state have really looked at this as a great opportunity to advertise why they are here and why they are so proud of Maryland.”

The ‘Open for Business’ campaign tells Maryland’s story through direct sales outreach, advertising, trade show attendance, brochures, videos, email campaigns, social media outlets, and the Open.Maryland.Gov website. The objectives for the campaign include increasing awareness of the advantages of locating a business in Maryland, improving the state’s business image, and creating more jobs for residents. Since launching in 2017, the campaign has reached more than 170 million people, with more than 80 percent of web traffic coming from out-of-state.

“Seeing the results of the Open for Business Campaign have been astounding,” said Kim Clark, president of MEDA. “The amount of attention that has been brought to Maryland economic development through this project is wonderful, making this campaign truly deserving of a MEDA Award.”

About Maryland Commerce

The Maryland Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and creates jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department promotes the State’s many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism. Because they are major economic generators, the Department also supports the Arts, film production, sports and other special events. For more information, visit

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